Old Forester Birthday Bourbon 2024 Size: 750 ML
Old Forester Single Barrel Rye Barrel Strength Size: 750 ML
Old RIP Van Winkle 10 Years Old
The #1 rated Bourbon Whiskey in the world with a 99 out of 100 rating by the World Spirits Championship. This bourbon is aged 20 years and bottled at 90.4 proof for a wonderfully smooth and rich profile. Pappy Van Winkle was a true character and like its namesake, this bourbon whiskey is full of character – quite a remarkable whiskey. Intense and tantalizing. Smooth with a citrus zest note. Some sherry notes, dried fruits and vanilla. The finish is long and elegant.
Old Weller Antique 107 Proof Bourbon Whiskey
A wheated bourbon with a full-bodied flavor and a balanced palate. Old Weller Antique is bottled at 107 proof, offering a complex taste and bold finish. It's certainly a recognizable member of the Weller label, with its own unique characteristics to compliment the high proof.
TASTING NOTES - Sweet and unusual floral notes and coupled with vanilla. The taste is very well balanced with sweet fruit notes, strong vanilla undertone and sharp spicy tones, with a cinnamon finis
Pappy Van Winkle 23 Year Old Bourbon
Pappy Van Winkle’s 20 Year Family Reserve
Bottled according to the laser coding in 2008 (looks almost like 2006 but they werent doing laser codes then - the older numbers are sometimes harder to read). Â Iconic original Stitzel Weller mashbill of the Pappy Van Winkle 20. Â This bottle is truly a unicorn as it was barreled in 1989 just as Van Winkle was exiting the Bourbon recession. Â No other bourbon today can stand 20 years of aging, but this bourbon does it with style. Pappy Van Winkle was a true character. This bourbon, like Pappy, is full of the character that makes it a very special whiskey.